About this Program

土木与环境工程系提供四年制本科课程,可获得土木工程学士学位(BSCE)。. 土木工程本科学位为毕业生进入专业实践做好准备,并在整个职业生涯中持续发展智力和专业. Civil engineers conceive, 计划, 设计构造, 维护对我们的文明至关重要的设施和基础设施. These include highways, 桥梁, 隧道, 机场, 大坝, water distribution systems, water and wastewater treatment facilities, industrial and commercial buildings, 港口和港口, coastal and off-shore structures, space satellites and launching facilities. 如果你对数学和科学感兴趣,土木工程方面的工作很适合你, enjoy turning ideas into reality, have a social awareness and willingness to help people live better, and want personal fulfillment and financial growth.

Program Highlights

  • 该学位课程通过了ABET工程技术认证委员会的认证

  • 土木工程本科学位为毕业生进入专业实践做好准备,并在整个职业生涯中持续发展智力和专业

  • 毕业生理解和欣赏专业和道德责任和专业实践问题,如工作采购, bidding versus quality based selection processes, and interaction between design and construction professionals

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Check out these ideas from ODU Career Development 服务sOccupational Information Network (O*NET). 中位数工资是人们通常收入的中间值——一半的受访者收入高于中位数工资, and half earned below.


$91,790 工资中位数

Perform engineering duties in 计划ning, 设计, 监督建筑结构的建造和维修, 和设施, 比如道路, 铁路, 机场, 桥梁, 港口, 渠道, 大坝, irrigation projects, 管道, 发电厂, and water and sewage systems.

运输 Engineers

$91,790 工资中位数

Develop 计划s for surface transportation projects, 根据既定的工程标准和州或联邦建设政策. 准备交通设施的设计、规格或估算. 计划修改现有街道、高速公路或高速公路,以改善交通流量.

Wind Energy Project Managers

$113,180 工资中位数

领导或管理潜在风能商业机会的开发和评估, including environmental studies, 允许, 和建议. May also manage construction of projects.

Environmental Engineering Technicians

$53,610 工资中位数

应用 theory and principles of environmental engineering to modify, 测试, and operate equipment and devices used in the prevention, 控制, and remediation of environmental problems, including waste treatment and site remediation, under the direction of engineering staff or scientist. May assist in the development of environmental remediation devices.


What are the requirements to apply for Civil Engineering at ODU?
进入土木工程学士学位课程的学生应该满足最低的大学入学要求 本科 入学.

高中申请者是根据他们的整体学习成绩被大学录取的, including high school recommendations. 申请人必须出示高中的16个学分. 学术竞争水平和入学班级的可用名额数量影响实际的最低入学要求. 任何申请大一新生和大学学分少于24个学期的转学生都必须提交学术能力测试(SAT)或美国大学考试(ACT)的官方成绩. 未来的转学生必须将之前完成的所有大学工作的正式成绩单转发给大学,作为申请材料的一部分. 浏览有关申请大学的资料及表格, contact the Office of 入学s, Old 政府 Building Room 108, Old Dominion University, 诺福克, VA 23529-0050, (757) 683-3637. 详细的网上信息,关于最靠谱的网赌软件的录取程序,指导方针等. is also available. 有兴趣在Old Dominion University学习土木或环境工程的学生应该完成大学预科课程,其中包括4个英语学分, 3 credits of a foreign language, 4 credits of mathematics (algebra I and II , geometry and advanced math), 1 credit of chemistry, and 1 credit of physics. 此外,一些计算机编程建议,但不是必需的.


在ODU, 我们知道,作为一名转学生,你有独特的需求,需要广泛的校园资源. 行政咨询和学术合作中心旨在创造一种包容的文化,支持成功的转移...


Estimated rates for the 2023-24 academic year. Rates are subject to change. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. That includes international students.

Active Duty 军事 Rate
成本每个点数 $250
成本每个点数 $393
成本每个点数 $407
成本每个点数 $1,073


Here are a few ways for you to save on the cost of attending ODU. For more information visit University Student Financial aid


鼓励初级班和高级班学生申请 威廉H. Boone Memorial Scholarship, 每年由土木及环境工程署及参访委员会颁发. 根据学生的学习成绩和/或在职业道路上的预期专业化,全年还可以从各种资金来源获得额外的奖学金机会.