Sherry DiBari报道

牙买加“杰伊”马多利德, graduating magna cum laude from 最靠谱的网赌软件 with a bachelor's degree in business management and a minor in business analytics, 一直雄心勃勃.

“从很小的时候起,我就是一个积极主动的人,”马多利德说. "I grew up in a home where it was valued and emphasized to get things done before being asked."

她的简历就是这些价值观的证明. Madolid, a Perry 荣誉学院 student and member of Phi Beta Sigma National Honors Society, is ranked in the top 10% of the 斯特罗姆商学院's graduating class.

在Busch真空泵和系统总部实习期间, she had the opportunity to present proactive policy strategy and advocate for employees. "That role made me realize that I am detail oriented and self-motivated,她说. “这在很大程度上源于我对‘人’运营的重视. I love working for people, with people, appreciating people and impacting people."

This internship solidified her decision to pursue a career in human resources management.

"I believe that a human resources management career will allow me to engage with the value of building and maintaining relationships with people and impacting them by helping them not only find their dream job but feel heard in their job,马多利德说.

Discovering human resources was the path she wanted to follow was not easy.

“整个高中, I was pretty confident that I was going to go into elementary education to become a teacher,马多利德说.

Madolid在她所在的健身房的托儿机构工作了将近六年. She created interactive lesson plans and strategized ways to encourage better behavior during playtime.

She was admitted into a teaching program in high school called "Teachers for Tomorrow," which gave students the opportunity to work in elementary and middle schools. Madolid taught classes, worked on lesson plans, graded papers and built relationships with students.

Madolid, whom students called "Miss Jay," was confident that teaching was her calling.


她母亲鼓励她成为一名护士. 马多利德说这不是命中注定的. “我甚至不敢看血."

她父亲建议她去做生意. 马多利德觉得这是一个更容易的妥协.

She researched business careers that could satisfy her passion for teaching and working with people.

Human resources offered a training-and-development component that allowed teaching as well as recruitment that allowed for engaging and interacting with people and developing relationships.

Human resources management also offered opportunities to make organizational practices better, 类似于制定课程计划. 另一个机会是员工关系.

“这在教科书上听起来并不有趣, 但它能让你倡导并倾听员工的意见,马多利德说. "I am a strong believer that employees serve our people and not businesses."

Madolid cites research that shows people, on average, spend about 90,000 hours at work in a lifetime.

"It's so important to have functions in a business to monitor and ensure that checks and balances are in place to make sure you feel safe, appreciated and motivated in the environment you report to five days a week,她说.

Madolid credits ODU and particularly business faculty for providing opportunities to follow her passion.

"They are eager to be a part of your journey to success and will bend backward for you to help you accomplish your aspirations,她说.

过去两年了, Madolid has been the resident assistant (RA) for the Business Living-Learning 社区, a housing and residence life community for students interested in business and public administration.

As RA, she provided the first level of support for students regarding university life, 促进计划活动和协助教育活动.

"Being in a community where I can provide direct educational support is something I am very appreciative of,马多利德说. "This is also while being able to support the other 600 residents that I indirectly supervise in my community."

Madolid, 斯特罗姆商学院的学生大使, also serves as director of employer relations for the ODU student chapter of the Society of 人力资源 Management (SHRM).

"I am responsible for networking with local employers and building relationships to have guest speakers come into our meetings to educate our members in different areas of professional development within human resources,她说.

马多利德列举了新冠肺炎危机的一个积极影响. 她被迫放慢了速度.

“现在, 我正在学习走路和欣赏风景, 当我习惯了一种需要我一直跑步的生活方式时,马多利德说. "I'm learning to take it at a day at a time and learning to trust the process and I encourage my colleagues to do the same."

Madolid's advice for graduates: "Remember to still turn to each other for a helping hand. 睦邻友好. 好事来了."



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