STEM教育系 & 专业的研究


诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》,最靠谱的网赌软件, (2014)

M.S.Ed. 在中学教育,最靠谱的网赌软件,(2009)

主办机构: 弗吉尼亚州教育部
获得的日期: 2009-01-01


学校图书馆标准 & 评估


学校图书馆教育; 教育 Standards and 认证; 课程 and Instruction;


Discala J.伯恩斯,E. A. 坎摩尔,S. (2020). Pre-服务 School Librarians’ Perceptions of 研究 Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study. 学校图书馆研究 23 , pp. 1-21.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2020). 学校在线图书馆员:超越学校围墙的综合学习. Information 学习 Sciences: Evidence Based and Pragmatic Online 教学 and 学习 Approaches (A Response to 紧急 Transitions to Remote Online 教育 in K-12 and Higher 教育).
伯恩斯,E. A. (2020). 新学校图书馆员:在实践中寻找社区. 老师的图书管理员 47 (4) , pp. 8-11.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2020). AASL National 学校图书馆标准: Progress toward implementation. 世界各地的学校图书馆 26 (1) , pp. 1-13.
Kimmel,年代.伯恩斯,E. A. 迪卡拉,J. (2019). Collaboration at a distance: Employing a community of practice framework. 图书情报教育学报 60 (4) , pp. 265-284.
伯恩斯,E. A.格罗斯,M. 莱瑟姆,D. (2019). The information literacy continuum: Mapping the ACRL framework to the AASL learner standards. . 世界各地的学校图书馆 25 (1) , pp. 1-20.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2018). 倡导改变对学校图书馆的看法. 老师的图书管理员 46 (1) , pp. 8-14.
伯恩斯,E. A. 马迪斯,M. (2018). For and by the community: Processes and practices from the development of National 学校图书馆标准. 世界各地的学校图书馆 24 (1) , pp. 120-128.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2018). School librarian as inquisitor of practice: Reimagine, reflect, and react with the new standards. 知识的追求 46 (4) , pp. 54-58.
伯恩斯,E. A.金梅尔,S. 狄金森,G. K. (2016). 倡导剖析:白宫请愿个案研究. 学校图书馆研究 19 , pp. 2-25.
伯恩斯,E. A.霍华德,J. 坎摩尔,S. (2016). Development of communities of practice in school library education. 图书情报教育学报 57 (2) , pp. 101-111.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2015). 从业者对学校图书馆倡导的看法. 教育图书馆 38 (1).
伯恩斯,E. A. (2015). 了解有效行动的宣传. 学校图书馆月报 31 (7) , pp. 27-29.
巴特勒,B.伯恩斯,E. A.克里斯蒂娜,F.卡特丽丝,H.,艾丽莎,我. 詹姆斯,P. (2014). The impact of a pedagogy of teacher education seminar on educator and future teacher educator identities. 教师教育研究 10 (3) , pp. 255-274.
安德伍德,J. 伯恩斯,E。. (2014). 大学与现实脱节. Phi Delta kapan 95 (8) , pp. 80.
巴特勒,B.伯恩斯,E. A.霍桑,K.克里斯蒂娜,F.,艾丽莎,我. 帕罗特,J. (2014). Reflections on educator and teacher educator development: Implications of a pedagogy of teacher education seminar on practice. 教师教育中的关键问题 21 , pp. 4-20.
伯恩斯,E. A.金梅尔,S. C. 加里森,K。. (2013). 常见到什么程度?:对推荐测试范例的分析.. 老师的图书管理员 41 (1) , pp. 23-27.

AASL (2018). The National 学校图书馆标准 for learners, School Librarians, and 学校图书馆. American Library Association/American Association of 学校图书馆.


伯恩斯,E. A.马迪斯,M.基林. 莱希滕贝格,K. (2018). 新时代的美国.S. National 学校图书馆标准: Integrated learning and growth for innovative school librarian preparation 学校图书馆标准全球行动 (pp. 21-30)柏林、波士顿;.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2017). 从业者对倡导领导的看法. 在原田,V. & Coatney,年代. (Eds)(页. 47-52) Santa Barbara, CA: The Many Face of School Library 领导.


伯恩斯,E. A. Implementing the US 学校图书馆标准: Data and dialogue from the field Athens, 希腊:国际图联WLIC会议记录.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2019). Reflective Journaling: Innovative dialogue in LIS education Athens, 希腊:国际图联WLIC会议记录.
Kimmel,年代.伯恩斯,E. A. 迪卡拉,J. (2018). 电子咨询:扩大远程LIS学生的咨询. (pp. 76-78)图书馆与信息科学协会.
Kimmel,年代.伯恩斯,E. A. 迪卡拉,J. (2018). So far away: Expanding the boundaries of LIS education to include rural students. (pp. 153-156)图书馆与信息科学协会.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2016). School library advocacy: Perceptions in context Columbus, OH: Proceedings of IFLA WLIC.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2014). Practitioner Strategies for effective advocacy engagement in the USA (pp. 16-22)里昂:国际图联WLIC会议记录.


Kimmel,年代. 伯恩斯,E。. A. (2018年2月). 电子咨询:扩大远程LIS学生的咨询 Paper The annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science 教育 Denver, CO.
Kimmel,年代. 伯恩斯,E。. A. (2018年2月). So far away: Expanding the boundaries of LIS education to include rural students Paper The annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science 教育 Denver, CO.
伯恩斯,E. A.卢滕贝格,K. 飞利浦,J。. (2017年11月). 为学习者调查你的国家学校图书馆标准. Oral Presentation The annual meeting of the American Association of School Librarians Phoenix, AZ. .
伯恩斯,E. A. 坎摩尔,S. (2017年1月). Experiential learning for online students: Rolling out to community engagement Oral Presentation The annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science 教育 Atlanta, GA.
Discala J.伯恩斯,E. A. 坎摩尔,S. (2017年1月). Impacting schools and communities through LIS instruction on action-based research Paper The annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science 教育 Atlanta, GA.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2017年1月). Navigating the transition: School librarians engaging community in practice Paper The annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science 教育 Atlanta, GA.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2016年8月). School library advocacy: Perceptions in context Paper Annual meeting of the IFLA World Library and Information Congress Columbus, OH.
伯恩斯,E. A.霍华德,J. 坎摩尔,S. (2016年2月). Development of community of practice in online teaching spaces Oral Presentation The annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators Chicago, IL.
伯恩斯,E. A. 狄金森,G. K. (2015年11月). Exploring advocacy: Connecting beliefs and practice to engage stakeholders in educated action Paper The bi-annual meeting of the American Association of School librarians Columbus, OH.
伯恩斯,E. A.霍华德,J. 坎摩尔,S. (2015年4月). Development of communities of practice in school library education: Collaboration within a third space Oral Presentation The Annual meeting of the American 教育al 研究 Association Chicago, IL.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2015年2月). 倡导改变对学校图书馆的看法. Paper The annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators Phoenix, AZ. .
伯恩斯,E. A. (2014年4月). School library advocacy: Perceived engagement Paper AERA Annual meeting Philadelphia.
伯恩斯,E. A. (2014年1月). Practitioner perceptions of school library advocacy Paper ALISE Annual Meeting Philadelphia.
伯恩斯,E. A. 狄金森,G. (2013年11月). Tying Assessment and Advocacy Together Keynote/Plenary Address VAASL Administrator's Conference Williamsburg, VA.
巴特勒,B.伯恩斯,E.弗莱尔曼,C.霍桑,K.英尼斯,A. 帕罗特,J. (2013年4月). Becoming teacher educators: The impact of pedagogy of Teacher 教育 Seminar on teacher educator identities Paper Annual meeting of AERA San Francisco, CA.
  • 2020: Instructional Publication Award, 达顿教育学院 and 专业的研究
  • 2019: Sara and Rufus Tonelson Award, 达顿教育学院 and 专业的研究
  • 2018年:达顿教育最靠谱的网赌软件奖
  • 2017年:闪耀之星奖,最靠谱的网赌软件
  • 2014:教师教育协会新兴学者
  • 2014:罗伯特·J. 史蒂文森奖学金,教师教育协会