表单@ ODU

Create simple online 形式 with this easy-to-use web application. The data that is submitted can be viewed online or imported into Excel. The user-friendly interface lets you build, 更新, 复制和删除表单, 还有风景, 管理, 出口, sort and delete individual entries.



In order to build 形式 and collect data, you must request access.

  • 去ITS帮助台 在线服务门户.
  • 点击 帮助 & 支持 and fill out the form, requesting access to 表单@ ODU.


Building 形式 with the ODU 形式 tool is as easy as drag and drop.


Make your form available to the world in one of two ways:

  1. 共享到表单的链接.
  2. Embed the form on an ODU web page.


当你登录的时候 形式.mylifeslittlesecrets.com, you'll see a list of all of your 形式. From this page, you can 管理 several form features:



  • 条目: View the data from all submitted 形式.
  • 编辑: Open the form builder to rearrange fields or edit text.
  • 通知: Determine where submissions will be sent, either to an email address or an external website. (这是可选的. All data is automatically stored within the 形式 tool and can be viewed under 条目.)
  • 逻辑: Create conditional logic so that certain questions are presented to the user depending on answers to other questions. (More information in 先进的功能 below.)
  • 报告: Build reports to display the data you collect.
  • 观点: 查看表单.


Add other users to your form

作为表单编辑器, you have the ability to create and edit 形式, edit form submissions and view and download form entries. You can share some or all of these responsibilities with other users of ODU's 形式 tool.

Create 形式 that require MIDAS authentication

You can create 形式 that are only available to people affiliated with ODU. And you can limit access even further by making the form available to students, 教师, staff - or any combination thereof.


Use logic to set up "if-then" conditions in your 形式. You can show certain fields or skip entire pages depending on how the user answers certain questions.


Create 形式 that require supervisors, 预算单位主任, directors or chairs to approve before final submission.

You must have access to a form before you can create a workflow for it. If you did not create the form, the form owner must add you as an editor before you can 管理 workflows (see above).


The 形式 you create can be used to collect PII and sensitive data for university needs (information that should never be sent through email). The information you collect is then securely stored and available for further processing.



      When naming your form, include your department's prefix at the beginning of the title. 例如, a form that ITS uses to grant access to a particular service might be called "ITS Particular 服务 Request." Here are common department prefixes:

      • 资助: Office of Student 金融援助
      • 其: Information 技术服务
      • OEA: Office of 教育的可访问性
      • 登记员: Office of University Registrar


      标签 allow you to organize your 形式 and filter them for easing viewing. Assign specific tag names to each form, based on their categories or functionalities or anything you feel easy to recognize. Use tags to indicate specific academic terms if they are relevent to your form (例如: 2020年秋季). Or use tags for a particluar function (例如: 直接存款 or 信请求). We recommend the following common tags:

      • #形式:xxxxx
        Include your form number in a tag to make it searchable. (例如: #表单:56664)
      • PII
        Use this tag if you collect any personally identifiable information in the form. Most 形式, if they include a name, contain PII.
      • 敏感数据
        Use this tag if you collect social security numbers, birth dates, bank account numbers, etc.
      • 部门名称
        In addition to your department's prefix in the title (see naming convention above), tag each form with your department name. Be consistent and use the same spelling every time. (Once you start typing a tag name, you'll see other tags that have been used before.)