
MIDAS (Monarch Identification and Authorization System) is ODU's log-in and password management system. Use your MIDAS ID and password to log in to most University applications and services, 比如email, Canvas, myODU, 狮子座在线, 横幅和许多其他重要资源.

当您创建您的MIDAS ID和密码时,您也将设置 双因素身份验证 and create a security profile that will allow you to reset your password online if you forget it. 一旦您的MIDAS帐户创建, you should only need to log in to MIDAS to change your password or security profile.

Every MIDAS user must read and accept the 可接受的使用政策 and take annual online training.

重要的保安通知: 如果我们发现你的MIDAS账户被入侵, 我们将尝试通过电话和email与您联系. 如果我们联系到你,我们会建议你重置你的MIDAS密码. 如果我们 不能 立即联系您,我们将以行政方式重置您的MIDAS帐户. 你需要联系 ITS服务台 或使用MIDAS密码重置(说明如下).

Use your MIDAS ID and password on Monarch-Key login pages to log in to ODU services. 您还可以在迈达斯申请额外的在线服务和账户.mylifeslittlesecrets.com. 了解更多.

  1. 验证
    迈达斯.mylifeslittlesecrets.com 然后点击“需要帐户”?输入您的个人信息. (你的印尼 is sent to you when you are admitted to 最靠谱的网赌软件. 如果您不知道或找不到您的密码,您可以使用“忘记密码”?链接到MIDAS主页.)
  2. 可接受的使用政策
    阅读完整的可接受使用政策(AUP). After reading the AUP select the "Accept" radio button and click "Submit".
  3. 培训
    You are required to take one or more training courses during account setup. The number of courses depends on your role within the university (faculty, staff or student). 请仔细阅读,点击“下一步”按钮进入下一页. 在最后一页,点击“接受”按钮.
  4. 安全性配置文件
    The 安全性配置文件 is necessary to protect your privacy and the security of the network if you should forget your password. 设置包括两个步骤:

    • 步骤1:选择安全令牌方法. You have to choose at least one of them, but you can also choose multiple or all methods. 点击“继续”按钮.
    • 步骤2:选择验证方法. 你有两个选择:基于文本的方法或基于颜色的方法. 将鼠标指针移到选择名称上以查看示例. 点击“Continue”按钮进入下一步. 取决于你在第二步中选择了什么, the last step for the security profile is to complete either the "Questions and Answers" profile OR the "Color Grid Pattern" profile.
  5. 双因素身份验证
    Follow the on-screen prompts to download Duo Mobile to your mobile device and set up 双因素身份验证. (If you have a smartphone with a phone number outside the Unitied States, 请参阅下面的“国际”指南.)
  6. 密码
    帐户设置的最后一步是设置密码. 密码必须遵循一定的规则才能有效,以保证密码的安全性. 规则列在屏幕右侧. You will see green check marks that indicate if all the password rules are met. 点击“更改密码”按钮.
  7. 完成
    您的帐户现在已经设置好了. On the right of the page a message will appear that displays your new MIDAS ID. 请务必写下您的MIDAS ID!


您的MIDAS ID允许您访问广泛的web服务 , 包括-MyODU门户, email, 以及数十种其他ODU服务.

The ability to access a wide range of service with a single account provides many benefits including:

  • 减少用户必须记住的帐户/密码的数量
  • 加强个人和私人信息的安全
  • 通过系统集成更容易地访问ODU资源

In turn, the MIDAS password rules and 复杂性 must meet the requirements of many systems. ODU的密码惯例(MIDAS密码长度), 复杂性, and rotation frequency) all blend together to adhere to industry standards and meet the requirements for identity assurance certification.

ODU takes the security and privacy of our student's information seriously; in order to have a less complex password that is still secure, the length of the password would have to increase or the frequency of change would have to be made shorter. 因此, we strive to balance these aspects and ultimately deliver a secure yet user friendly computing environment.



You will receive email notifications beginning a couple of weeks before your MIDAS password is set to expire. 您还将在所有君主密钥Web登录页面上看到提醒.


  1. 登录 大富翁的主页 输入您的MIDAS ID和当前密码.
  2. From the home screen, click on 'My Account' at the top, and select 'Account Settings.'
  3. Under the 'Authentication' section on the left, select 'Change MIDAS 密码.'
  4. Enter your new password (Note: Your new password must conform to all rules listed on right side of the Change 密码 page.) After you have selected your new password and re-typed it for verification, 右边所有的复选标记都是绿色的. 点击“提交”按钮.
  5. Log out of MIDAS and log back in with the new password to make sure everything works.

您将能够访问大多数服务,如myODU, email, Canvas and campus workstations with your new password almost immediately. Some services can take a little longer (up to 30 minutes) to pick up the password change. 有几点需要注意:

  • Each device you use with your ODU account will need to be updated independently (desktop, 移动PC, 手机/平板电脑, 等.)
  • 任何存储了密码的服务都需要更新. 这包括保存了密码的浏览器, 无线网络, 办公产品(如Outlook), 团队, OneDrive), 变焦, VPN, 等.
  • 适用于有线网络或ODU VPN上的笔记本电脑/台式机, 我们建议在更改密码后退出您的计算机. 当你重新登录时, 大多数应用程序将重新身份验证, 提示立即输入新密码. 否则, each application will ask you to enter your new password as it checks in -- within minutes or hours, 取决于应用程序. 在ODU有线网络/VPN vs上的体验略有不同. 无线/校外网络,以及Windows vs. Mac设备.


密码s remain the first line of defense in information security and are a key component in ODU's security plan. Because your MIDAS ID and password provide access to so many resources - including critical or sensitive data - we follow the recommendations of the National Institute for Standards and 技术 (NIST) regarding the length, 复杂性, 还有密码的轮换周期.

这看起来很复杂, but there are a couple of things that might make MIDAS password changes a little easier on you:

  • To minimize disruptions, make your password changes at the end of a workday. 在所有ODU服务之间同步密码最多需要30分钟, 每个服务在同步时都可以要求输入新密码. 如果你等到一天结束的时候再做,你会受到更少的干扰.
  • After changing your password, log out and restart your primary ODU workstation. 当你第二天早上再登录的时候, 如果你遵循了上面的建议), 请务必使用新密码. If you don't restart, most ODU applications will ask you to enter your new password.

更改密码后,您可以期待 每个设备上的每个ODU业务 要求您重新认证. Be prepared to enter your new password (and update any saved passwords) for:

  • ODU服务在独立应用程序或客户端(Office 365, 变焦, VPN等).)
  • 基于浏览器的ODU服务(Outlook Web Access, Canvas等).)
  • ODU 无线网络 (eduroam, MonarchODU)



  1. 参观 大富翁的主页.
  2. 点击“忘记密码”链接?,在“登录”按钮下.
  3. 输入您的MIDAS ID和win
  4. 输入所需信息:
    • 如果您已经设置了MIDAS PIN,请输入.
    • 如果您选择了令牌方法,请单击“请求新令牌”。. 收到令牌后,将其输入“输入令牌值”框中.
  5. 点击“提交.'
  6. 回答安全配置文件问题或颜色网格.
  7. 成功回答问题后,创建一个新密码.

If you 不能 successfully create a new password using your security profile, 它将重置您的MIDAS密码. 您需要遵循以下其中一项程序:

  • 亲自到ITS服务台来, 出示图片ID并请求重置您的MIDAS密码.
  • 如果你不在这个区域, you must 传真 (or email as an attachment) a copy of a picture ID to the Help Desk. 请包括以下内容:
    • 您的全名
    • 你的印尼
    • 你的出生日期
    • 电话号码

Why do I have to provide a picture ID in order to receive a new password?

如果网上遗失/忘记密码服务无法使用, ITS服务台将需要用带图片的ID验证您的身份. This ensures that we don't give your personal information to anyone other than you.

忘记你的MIDAS ID了?

如果您不记得您的MIDAS ID,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 参观 大富翁的主页.
  2. 点击“忘记MIDAS ID”链接?,在“登录”按钮下.
  3. 输入您的姓名、姓名、出生日期和性别.
  4. 您的MIDAS ID应该显示在屏幕上.