


The 咨询服务办公室 (OCS) offers multiple resources and services to help students with personal, 学术, 职业方面的考虑, 包括车间, 自助保健模块, 团体及个别辅导, 和精神病学. 在初次预约期间, a student and a counselor will discuss what type of service(s) will best help the student resolve their concerns.

OCS provides a short-term model of therapy for a variety of concerns. If local community resources or other 最靠谱的网赌软件 departments are determined to be a more appropriate alternative, the student will be provided with referral sources that have found to be effective.

Some students seeking individual services from OCS may benefit from more extended or different types of services; others may not be ready to make a commitment to the demands of counseling despite their request for services. Below are some situations where referral to other services will be considered. OCS provides referral services either after the initial appointment or as these factors become more apparent during treatment.

  1. Students who need two or more sessions per week for more than a short period of time and/or frequent after-hour phone contact.
  2. Students who have a history of multiple hospitalizations/repeated suicide attempts.
  3. Students with evidence or risk of progressive deterioration in mental or emotional functioning, 需要强化干预.
  4. Students with manifestations of psychotic symptoms without willingness to remain on medication for stabilization of symptoms.
  5. Students who need frequent psychiatric attention.


  • 个别咨询
  • 团体咨询
  • 夫妻咨询
  • 拓展项目
  • 危机干预
  • 咨询
  • 各种研讨会 & 应要求提供演示文稿
  • ADHD Diagnostic Assessments (see more information below)

春天 & 下降:
周一至周四:上午8点.m. - 7 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

夏天 & 优惠:


You may consider completing a brief ADHD Screening conducted during your Initial Appointment (new clients) or follow-up appointment (current/returning clients). 筛查不会产生诊断结果, 而, it assists in the decision-making process and referral for OCS’s ADHD Assessment Clinic which is now offering Brief ADHD Diagnostic Assessments for the low cost of $150 (billed to your student account).


  • Completion of an ADHD Background/历史 Questionnaire as well as self- and observer-report screeners & 调查问卷

    • Gathering collateral information regarding childhood history, 行为, and functioning from someone who knew you before the age of 12
    • Screening for other co-existing conditions that may mimic ADHD (i.e., anxiety, depression, experiences of extreme stress and trauma, sleep issues, substance use) 
  • ADHD诊断评估预约(面谈,2-3小时)
    • 半结构化的由半结构化组成的, ADHD诊断访谈, followed by completion of self-report measures and performance-based measures of attention and executive functioning.
  • If needed, collection of other necessary documentation, such as:
    • 教育记录/成绩单
    • 以前的心理评估报告
    • 精神病医生的医疗记录
    • 学校心理评估或IEP/504/SST
  • 收集以上信息后, you will meet with your evaluator for a feedback session to discuss diagnosis, 建议, 治疗计划.
  • 请注意:
    • 这个简短的ADHD评估 是不是综合评估再进一步, more comprehensive psychoeducational or neuropsychological assessment may be recommended (i.e.(学习差异、加工障碍).
    • 如果需要药物治疗, we may recommend you make an appointment with a psychiatrist, 你的初级保健提供者, or Student 健康 services due to your ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation.  A diagnosis of ADHD does not necessarily mean you will be prescribed a stimulant medication by your provider. However, at your request, we are happy to provide a referral.

We may also advise that you work with the 办公室 of 教育的可访问性 for any 学术 accommodation needs.

问题? 请透过电邮联络我们 757-683-4401.


No information, including the facts of attendance, is routinely given to anyone (e.g., family members, University officials, physicians, or friends of the client). Certain limited pertinent information may be given to those with a legitimate interest, provided the free and informed consent of the client is first obtained. 在某些情况下, even when valid consent or authorization is given, we may find that it is in the client's best interest to withhold certain information, 拒绝披露, 或者限制此类信息的披露. In these cases, complete confidentiality will be maintained. We will notify the requester in writing of the refusal or limitation, and the reasons thereof. 除了, 某些心理测试信息, 尤其是考试成绩和原始数据, will be released only to qualified mental health practitioners.

The only exceptions to this policy are those deemed necessary in emergency situations or disclosures required legally (e.g.、举报虐待儿童、法庭命令). While parents and legal guardians have rights to information regarding their dependent child (under 18 years old), the nature of the counseling relationship requires that we follow the informed consent procedures outlined below unless it clearly in the best interest of the client not to do so.