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托福考试 & 说考试


Students should contact their GPDs for the registration process. Once we receive the list of students via email from the department GPDs, students then need to contact the English Language Center by the given deadline to sign up for a time slot. Students should be prepared to take these tests remotely/online until further notice. Procedures 和 dates are subject to change. Please contact the ELC at ELC@mylifeslittlesecrets.com or 757-683-4424 for more information.

It is possible for students to satisfy English proficiency through an at-home testing alternative. 请参阅 托福考试 iBT Special 首页 Edition雅思指示器 to see if those options are right for you.


The institutional 托福考试 (ITP) test is administered in January, April, August, 和 December. Students who take the institutional 托福考试 test may use the score to demonstrate English proficiency for the purpose of admission into an ODU academic program.

Upcoming Test 信息

  • Digital/Remote 托福考试 ITP
  • Upcoming Test Dates:
    • late April - TBD
  • 耗资65美元


The SPEAK test is administered in January, April, July, August, 和 November/December. Students who take the July 说测试 cannot take the August 说测试. Students who take the November 说测试 cannot take the January 说测试.

Departments are contacted 30 days prior to the SPEAK test via email with instructions on how to register/nominate prospective international graduate teaching assistans (IGTAs) for the SPEAK test.

Because of space/personnel constraints, only graduate students who are being considered for a teaching assistantship during the current semester can be tested.


说测试s are administered in January, April, July, August, 和 November.

测试模式: 说测试s are administered remotely via Zoom. Students need a reliable internet connection 和 an electronic device like a laptop/PC, 平板电脑, or phone capable of making video calls through Zoom. All sessions will be recorded.

测试形式: In this modified 说测试, each student will participate in one interview led by two SPEAK raters. The interview will consist of a series of questions with opportunities for both the student 和 raters to ask follow up questions. It will last approximately 10 minutes. At the start of the interview, we will verify the student's identity, his/her field of study, 和 ask a few basic warm up questions.

With remote assessment, there is a possibility for a number of challenges - poor connections, poor call quality, 错过了会议, equipment malfunctions, 等. We are asking all involved to be as flexible 和 patient as possible.

说测试 Registration Procedure:

  1. GPDs or Program Managers must send an email to ELC@mylifeslittlesecrets.com with a list of names, UINs, 和 ODU email addresses, of students they want to take the SPEAK. These students must be eligible to be TAs upon completing any necessary processes. 在邮件中, please include the name 和 information of the person in your department who should receive the SPEAK scores.
  2. Students will need to sign up for a time slot using a link provided via email.


Effective January 2021, the ELC will reinstate the $100 per student fee for administration of the SPEAK test.

  • This fee will be paid via Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) to the ELC.
  • After all SPEAK tests are complete, the ELC will send an IDT request to the contact person for the department or college contact who sent the list of SPEAK test nominees.
  • The fee will only be charged for students who took the SPEAK test.
  • There is no fee charged for the SPEAK Retake Presentation.

说测试 Results:

The ELC will send students' SPEAK scores to the RESEARCH生院 和 the department contact listed in the email no later than Wednesday, April 21st at 12pm. It is the department's responsibility to notify students of their SPEAK scores 和 any subsequent procedures. Please note that for January 和 August tests, notifying the students is time sensitive as the students who receive a 45 or higher will need time to prepare for the Retake Presentation 和/or GTAI.

A passing SPEAK score is a minimum score of 50 out of 60.

A score of 45 out of 60 qualifies the student to participate in the Retake Presentation.

  • Please note that the Retake Presentation is different from the 说测试.
  • Although an ELC representative may participate in scoring the Retake Presentation, the Retake Presentation is administered through the RESEARCH生院.
  • The next Retake Presentation date is TBD.
  • Please contact Missy Barber (mbarber@mylifeslittlesecrets.com) at the RESEARCH生院 for additional information on the Retake Presentation.
  • Once students achieve a 45 on the 说测试, they are always eligible to participate in any future Retake Presentation session until it is successfully passed. This includes participating in multiple Retake Presentation sessions over time regardless of whether students scored below 45 on subsequent 说测试s. Students who have already passed the 说测试 with a 50 or passed the Retake Presentation are not eligible to take the SPEAK additional times.

A score of 40 out of 60 indicates that the student did not pass the SPEAK test 和 may retake the test at a later date. Please note that students who take the July SPEAK cannot take the August SPEAK, 和 students who take the November SPEAK cannot take the January SPEAK.

说测试 FAQs:

  • What is the 说测试? 口语测试, administered by the ODU English Language Center, is used to assess the speaking ability of prospective graduate teaching assistants (TAs) who speak a native language other than English. These students can satisfy the English speaking proficiency requirement for TAs by passing the 说测试 or scoring a 26 or higher on the speaking portion of the 托福考试 iBT. Once the speaking proficiency requirement is met, these graduate students can teach in the classroom as TAs upon completing the next GTAI. Prospective TAs who speak English as their native language do not need to fulfill this requirement. 口语测试 is offered in January, April, July, August, 和 November.
  • What is the testing mode? Due to limited campus access 和 social distancing, we will conduct modified 说测试s remotely 和 live via Zoom. Students need a reliable internet connection 和 an electronic device like a laptop/PC, 平板电脑, or phone capable of making video calls through Zoom. All sessions will be recorded.
  • What is the format/content for the test? In this modified 说测试, each student will participate in one live interview led by two SPEAK raters. At the start of the test, we will verify the student's identity 和 ask a few basic warm up questions before we move into the scored portion of the test. For the scored questions, students will be asked to respond to general questions about common academic/classroom situations 和 scenarios, general questions about their field of study, 和 some everyday situations. It will last approximately 15 minutes per student.


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