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Community Music Division

Music: Knowledge Lasting a Lifetime


The Community Music Division of 最靠谱的网赌软件 (established in 1984 as the Community Music Academy) offers the finest level of private music instruction, 类, and ensembles to Hampton Roads residents. We welcome, instruct, and encourage people of all ages and abilities. Our varied staff holds degrees in music and specializes in the instruments that they teach. Most are active performers or teachers in the Hampton Roads community and beyond, and all are encouraged to join and participate in national music organizations.

Read 欢迎 from the Director









单簧管, 长笛, 法国号, 吉他, 双簧管, 器官, 打击乐器, 钢琴, 萨克斯风, 字符串, 长号, 小号, 和声音




吉他课, 钢琴课, 音乐理论课, 人人都喜欢的歌剧, 开始竖琴, 开始作文



3个简单步骤 to register and pay for private or group lessons, we make it easy for everyone to pick up an instrument and begin learning!


资源 for ODU 学生


ODU RESEARCH生 Theory Review

All ODU Master of Music Education (MME) students must pass the RESEARCH生 Music Theory Placement test prior to graduation. RESEARCH生 Theory Review helps you prepare for the exam.

Student Concert- Fill in the Blank

辅导 for ODU Music Majors

Find help with music theory, 耳朵的培训, 音乐的历史, or preparing for instrumental or vocal auditions or juries. Register under private instruction. Small groups can be made with two or more students if the instructor is available.

最靠谱的网赌软件 & 公告

Winter Private Lesson (November 5, 2023- February 3, 2024) 登记 现在 Active

查看我们的 注册页面 to see instructions on how to register. 学生 are to register by November 18 to avoid late fees.


欢迎 to our newest CMD staff members- Alyxia Bonnett (clarinet, saxophone), Yuko Farman (piano), and Melvin Lauf (harp, flute, trumpet). Please see their bios and pictures under the 教练 link. We wish Bonnie Kim (flute) a fond farewell as she will be leaving our area and moving to Atlanta. She has been a wonderful teacher, 导师, and friend for many years and we wish her well in her new adventures! 欢迎 back to longtime instructor Agnes Han (piano), who will be teaching 几乎 for us.

Take your favorite teacher with you!

Taking private music lessons has never been easier and technology has allowed us to connect in ways that we never imagined before. 现在, you are not limited to on campus lessons, but can take them 几乎, allowing you to take your favorite teacher with you, no matter where you go—out of state or out of the country!



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. Discover our experiential learning opportunities.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.